Thursday 23 July 2009

Aγριογουρουνο Πιεριας

Μαριναρισμενο σε κοκκινο κρασι
με θυμαρι, ριγανι, δεντρολιβανο,
καρρυ, τριγωνελα,
συνοδευεται απο σαλτσα Bigarade (πορτοκαλλι)
αρωματισμενη με Grand Marnier και φυσικο χυμο πορτοκαλλι
σερβιρεται με πυργο
απο λαχανικά και χαλουμι ψημενα στη σχαρα
περιχυμενα με αγνο παρθενο ελαιολαδο

Saturday 18 July 2009

Κεφτεδακια της Γιαγιας

Kεφτεδες της Ανατολης
Τα δικα μου κεφτεδακια της γιαγιας αρωματιζονται με λιγο ξυδι για να ανεβει η οξυτητα και ουζο για μεθυσμενη γευση.Δουλευω φρεσκο μοσχαρισιο κιμά και δεν βαζω χοιρινο.
Αυτο και για τους μουσουλμανους πελατες αλλα και γιατι η αφραδα του μιγματος βγαινει απο το ψωμι.Στα μπιφτεκια σχαρας αντιθετα που σφιγγω με φρυγανια το ενα τριτο του κιμα ειναι χοιρινο.Ακομα αποφευγω τη λαπα γιατι παρ ολο που ειναι φτηνη και αφρατευει το μιγμα το γλυκαινει κιολας και πρεπει να ανεβασεις το αλατι πραγμα οχι υγειηνο,
Φυσικα μπολικος μαιντανος ,δυοσμος ,ενα αυγο,ψωμι δυο ημερων,κρεμμυδι, σκορδο αρκετο, αλατι,
Το κυμινο το βαζω στην σαλτσα τοματας (Ναπολι)που την ενισχυω με λιγο κρασι και σκορδο.

Monday 13 July 2009

Προσεθεσα στην συνταγη παρασκευης του κλεφτικου ενα κλωναρακι Λουιζας απο την γλαστρα μου και εμπλουτισα τα αρωματα λεμονιου του πιατου.Στην παρασκευη του κλεφτικου δεν βαζω αλατι νοστιμιζω με φρεσκοστυμενο χυμο λεμονιου.

Περιγραφή: Είναι θάμνος ύψους 1-1,5 μ. ή ψηλότερος, φύλλα οδοντωτά ή λειόχειλα σε τριμερείς ή τετραμερείς σπονδύλους, λογχοειδή με βραχύ μίσχο, λεία στην άνω επιφάνεια και αδενώδη στην κάτω. Άνθη λευκά, μικρά που σχηματίζουν μασχαλιαίους σπονδύλους ή επάκριους βότρυς. Τα φύλλα συνθλιβόμενα αναδίδουν οσμή λεμονιού. Θεραπευτικές Ιδιότητες: Χρησιμοποιείται ευρύτατα για νοσήματα του στομάχου, σταματά τη διάρροια και είναι τονωτικό, αντιπυρετικό και διουρητικό. Συνιστάται, μάλιστα, σε περιπτώσεις νεφρολιθιάσεως. Βοηθά στο αδυνάτισμα, στην αποτοξίνωση και στην αποβολή περιττών υγρών και κυτταρίτιδας.

Για το κλεφτικο τωρα
Πριν απο πεντακόσια περίπου χρόνια πολλοί φτωχοί αγρότες κρύβονταν στα βουνά κυνηγημένοι απο τις αρχές επειδή δεν δέχονταν την κατοχή των ξένων και την αυθαιρεσία των πλούσιων γαιοκτημόνων.

Δεν μπορούσαν να πληρώσουν τους φόρους και τα χρέη τους κι ετσι για να επιβιώσουν έκλεβαν κανένα κατσικι η ζούσαν απο την φιλοξενία των συμπατριωτών τους που τους προσέφεραν τροφή.

Για να ψήσουν λοιπόν την τροφή τους χωρίς να γίνουν αντιληπτοί απο τους διώκτες τους επρεπε να κρύψουν τον καπνό και την μυρωδιά του ψημένου κρέατος.Ακόμη η συνεχής μετακίνηση, δεν τους επετρεπε να μείνουν για ωρες στο ιδιο μέρος και να επιβλέψουν το ψήσιμο.

Ετσι εσκαβαν ενα λάκο στο χώμα εβαζαν φωτιά και μετά σκέπαζαν με χώμα και κλαδιά την θράκα.

Εβαζαν το αρνί η το κατσίκι επάνω και μετά πάλι κλαδιά και χώμα.

Σ’αυτή την γήινη στάμνα σιγοψηνόταν το κρέας με χοντροκομμένα κομμάτια κεφαλοτύρι για πολλές ώρες πέρνωντας την μυρωδιά των φύλλων κουμαριάς, δάφνης και χαρουπιάς καθως και τα αρώματα της ρίγανης και του θυμαριού, της λεμονιάς και του άγριου σκόρδου.

Μετά από ώρες επέστρεφαν, ξεσκέπαζαν τον λάκο και απολάμβαναν το φαγητό των κλεφτών, το «κλέφτικο».Σήμερα πεντακόσια χρόνια μετά σας προσφέρουμε το κλέφτικο με όλα τα αρώματά του κλεισμένα σε σκληρό σκούρο χαρτί.

Προσθέτουμε σπόρους σιναπιού (μουστάρδας) πατάτα καρότο πιπεριά και κρεμμυδάκι για να δώσουμε μια νότα πολυτέλειας στο πιάτο σας και

Voila , κύριες και κύριοι το κλέφτικο.

Zουμερό, μυρωδάτο και γευστικό.
Απολαύστε το.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Kαπνιστη μελιτζανοσαλατα αρωματισμενη με λαδι μαυρης τρουφας

Χθες 7 Ιουλιου γεννηθηκε ενα καινουργιο πιατο.Στην Μεκαδονιτικη καπνιστη μελιτζανοσαλατα προσεθεσα λιγες σταγονες λαδι μαυρης τρουφας και το πιατο απογειωθηκε.

Η συνταγη που δουλευω ειναι η παρακατω.
Καιω τις μελιτζανες στη φωτια καθαριζω απο τους σπορους και αφηνω να στραγγιξουν απο τα υγρα τους.
Προσθετω ψιλοκομενη λιαστη τοματα ,πρασινη πιπερια, πολτο σκορδου, λιγες σταγονες ξυδι μηλου , και λιγες μπαλσαμικο ,αγνο παρθενο ελαιολαδο αλατι(Ιμαλαΐων, εχει επιθετικη γευση που σπαει τη γλύκα της μελιτζανας) πιπερι οσο παρει , μαιντανο και χτυπαω με τον αυγοδαρτη να σπασουν τα υλικα χωρις να γινουν κρεμα.
Τελος προσθετω το λαδι τρουφας με προσοχή να μην σκεπασει τα αλλα αρωματα.
Καλη επιτυχία

Tuesday 30 June 2009

Αυτο το 15 της επαγγελματικης αγωγης το αφιερωνω στην καθηγητρια που ασχετη απο τον κλαδο και τα προβληματα του μειωσε την βαθμολογια μου λογω προσωπικης αντιπαθειας.

The Chef at IvariGerasimos Katsaitis grew up in the kitchen of his family’s restaurant. After a career of some years as a hotel receptionist, his true vocation, that of chef, claimed him.
Having done his training (Greek School of Tourist Education diploma) he continues his culinary education through seminars, books and the Internet.

However, he doesn’t stop at the theory.

He is primarily a kitchen craftsman; a lover of the aromas and sounds which are born at the moment of serving – that unique instant when artistic inspiration and theoretical knowledge are turned into food.

And for that reason, for the last seventeen years, he has been working in hotels and restaurants both in and outside Athens, alongside famous as well as lesser-known chefs and cooks, who have all contributed to his development.

Ο Σέφ του Ιβάρι
Ο Γεράσιμος Κατσαϊτης μεγάλωσε στην κουζίνα του οικογενειακού εστιατορίου.
Μετά από δέκα χρόνια στα ξενοδοχεία τον διάλεξε η πραγματική του αγάπη η μαγειρική. Εχοντας πάρει τα πτυχία του μάγειρα από την σχολή τουριστικών επαγγελμάτων και του κρεοπώλη από την κρατική σχολή κρέατος,συνεχίζει την εκπαίδευση του,με σεμινάρια βιβλία και φυσικά το διαδίκτυο.
Ετσι κι αλλιώς δεν σταματά στην θεωρία.
Πρώτα απ όλα είναι τεχνίτης της κουζίνας.

Εραστής των αρωμάτων και των ηχων που γεννιώνται την στιγμή του σέρβις.
Εκείνης της μοναδικής κάθε φορά στιγμής που η εμπνευση και η θεωρητική γνώση γίνονται φαγητό.
Γι αυτό και τα τελευταία εικοσι χρόνια δουλεύει σε εστιατόρια και ξενοδοχεία στην Αθήνα και τα νησιά δίπλα σε μαγείρους αλλοτε διάσημους και αλλοτε όχι γνωστούς που χάρη σε αυτούς προχώρησε την τέχνη του

Ο χορος του Ζορμπα

Χοιρινο ρολο αρωματισμενο με μουσταρδα, ριγανη και καρρυ γεμιστο με κεφαλοτυρι πολυχρωμες πιπεριες σαλαμι Λευκαδας και σκορδο

“Zorbas’ Dance”
Slices of rolled pork stuffed with cheese and coloured peppers
in a spicy sauce served with a baked potato

Ποικιλια θαλασσινων για δυο

Καλαμαρακι , γαυρος, δυο γαριδες,μπακαλιαροκροκετες ,μυδια τηγανιτα,χορτα,σκορδαλια ,πατζαρια, ταραμοσαλατα.


Αρνησιο ρολο αρωματισμενο με φρεσκο δυοσμο απο τις γλαστρες μας γεμιστο με φετα τυρι λιαστες τοματες πρασινες πιπεριες,

Σερβιρεται σε παιτο με τηγανιτα τραγανα αμπελοφυλλα και καραμελωμενα σταφυλια σε σαλτσα κοτου (πετιμεζι)

Linos lamb
Linos is the stone basin where grapes are trodden to collect their juice
stuffed lamb with
sundried tomatoes, peppers,feta cheese,mint,
in gravy of caramelized grapes with must

Tuesday 23 June 2009

The trip advisor

Lefkas Traveller Article:
Lefkas ivari restaurant nidri lefkas
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Comments (2)

The Ivari Restaurant is situated close to the Yannis Hotel on the harbour front. They cater for every taste and do a superb English breakfast. The menu is extensive and the prices are very reasonable

the ivari restaurant is by far the best one you will ever find in the whole of is situated close to the yannis hotel on the harbour front.the service is excellent and the food leaves you with a taste never to be hard sell begging you to come in and try.they dont need to do that.lovely owners who make you feel so welcome. they cater there for every taste.also do a superb english breakfast. you could eat every day at the ivari as the menu is is so extensive.the prices are very reasonable.if you do try it one thing is certain you will not be dissapointed neither will you come away feeling hungry.

Thursday 18 June 2009

More dishes

Mixed grill for two
two home-made beefburgers, chicken, liver, sausage, two lamb chops, served with baked potato, tzatziki and mustard

Wednesday 17 June 2009


Cyprus Haloumi Cheese - grilled, with tomato, bacon and basil pesto

Crispy Home-made Pizza with honey, Greek Sausage, Onions and Haloumi Cheese

Selection of Appetizers for Two - taramosalata, aubergine dip, tzatziki, meat balls, courgette rissoles, saganaki cheese, baked potato, Greek sausage

Traditional Greek Roast Chicken with lemon and garlic, and roast potatoes

The story of “kleftiko” or the thieves’ dinner

Roughly five hundred years ago, a large number of poor farmers were forced to take refuge in the mountains, fleeing from the authorities because they refused to bow to a foreign occupation or to the whims of wealthy landowners. They couldn’t pay their taxes or their debts and in order to survive, they would steal a goat or else rely on the hospitality of their fellow countrymen, who gave them food. These hunted men, whose numbers were huge at times, were known as “kleftes” or thieves, by the authorities.

In order to cook their food without being detected by the patrols, they had to hide the smoke from their cooking fire and the aroma of roasting meat. Nor did their fugitive existence allow them to remain in the same place for the six or seven hours necessary to oversee the cooking of their meal. So they used to dig a hollow in the ground, light a fire in the bottom of it and then cover the embers with branches and soil. Then they placed the lamb or goat’s meat on top and covered it with more branches and soil. They slowly roasted the meat in this earth-oven for several hours with chunks of hard, spicy cheese and the roasted meat gradually took on the aroma of its covering of bay leaves and carob leaves, as well as the flavours of oregano and thyme, lemon and wild garlic. Hours later they returned, uncovered the roast meat and enjoyed their “thieves’ dinner” or “kleftiko”.

In our restaurant, five hundred years later, we serve kleftiko wrapped in dark brown grease-proof paper. We have added mustard seeds, carrots, green peppers, potatoes and onions for a touch of luxury and voila … ladies and gentlemen, your kleftiko – succulent, aromatic and delicious. Enjoy it!

Traditional British Sunday Roast Beef Dinner - tender roast beef, vegetables, yorkshire pudding and gravy

Tuesday 19 May 2009


Wonderful food, wine and setting. Many thanks.
Christine Pain (7th May 2006)

Many thanks for wonderful evenings.
Sue (10th May 2006)

Lovely food and great friendly service.
Many thanks and best of luck.
Nickie Botham (11th May 2006)

Thank you so much for the outstanding service and wonderful food (and the fun welcome party-Phoebe). We look forward to coming back again next year.
Zoe Alexander (11th May 2006)

The Ivari restaurant has been the most delicious tantalizing and entertaining part of our seven days in Lefkada. Our taste buds have been inspired to new heights, delicious and more delicious. The best restaurant by far in town. Also warm and welcoming and a lovely family to have met. Not to forget the little star herself, Phoebe.
Richard and Imelda, London (13th May 2006)

This is the sixth time I have been to Nidri and have had some lovely food but we came here last night and had to come again tonight (the next day). The food is delicious, Lee and Makis are lovely and he’s a brilliant chef. We are coming to Nidri again in August and will eat again at one of the best places in Nidri.
John and Joyce Cumbrian (15th May 2006)

This is our second visit to Ivari and we haven’t been disappointed. Each and every meal has been beautifully cooked, served piping hot, and, the service from Lee, whose husband happens to be one of the chefs, is excellent. We will be back again.
Esther and Brian Robins, Preston, Lancs (17th May 2006)

What a lucky find this restaurant has been for us with such warm and friendly service too. This is a place to call home.
Oliver and Katherine, Kent, UK (18th May 2006)

Thank goodness we found the Ivari early in our holiday. Fantastic service and food. This is our third time in Nidri and you can’t beat this place. We’ll miss it when we go home. Lee and Phoebe are excellent hostesses. Thank you for helping to make our holidays memorable.
Lynn, Mike and Grace Szpak, York (18th May 2006)

Wonderful hospitality and the food certainly has the edge on all of the others we have tried. Phoebe was a delight as was her mum and dad (Lee and Makis). We will be back.
Pam and Alan Erdman, Liverpool (28th May 2006)

What a lucky find. Good food and very friendly. We wish you lots of luck for the future. All the best.
Megan and Wells, from Nottingham (3rd June 2006)

Lamb Ambrosia – food of the Gods. Thank you for treating us so well. Good luck.
Maggie and Betty (3rd June 2006)

Thank you for the best lamb in Nidri and thank you for letting us meet your daughter, Phoebe.
Ally and Nisse, Sweden (7th June 2006)
See you next year.

The best English breakfast on the island. Thank you very much for the great food and adding to our holidays to make it 100%. We wish you the best of success with your business and we hope to see you again soon!! Thanks again.
Kay and Carl, North Wales (9th June 2006)

Εξαιρετική ποιότητα φαγητού και περιβάλλοντος που ξεχωρίζει από τις υπόλοιπες προτάσεις, που δεν είναι καθόλου προσεγμένες αλλά μαζικές και τουριστικές. Θα συστήσουμε το εστιατόριό σας ανεπιφύλακτα σε όσους επισκεφτούν το Νυδρί. Ελπίζουμε να έρθουμε ξανά και να ξαναδοκιμάσουμε τις γεύσεις και τη περιποίησή σας.
Έλενα – Ντίνος (10 Ιουνίου 2006)

You should try everything at least once but we tried you twice. The best food in Nidri – no doubt.
Ken and Maria Lundberg, Sweden (16th June 2006)

Absolutely wonderful. Thank you for putting the finishing touches to an excellent holiday. See you soon.
Bronwen, England (16th June 2006)

Forget the hard sell of the harbour front. Carry on walking to Ivari – the best food in Nidri. The most extensive menu and good company. Hope you succeed in all your ambitions. Will certainly recommend to all who visit Nidri.
Kate and Chris Servent, Chesterfied. (17th June 2006)

Spent a week in Nidri before flotilla holiday, so sampled most of the tavernas. Can definitely recommend Ivari. Hope to be back sometime.
Heather, Sue, Alan, Dave (18th June 2006)

Thank you so much with good breakfast and warm service.
Jun and Jakob, from Japan and Sweden. (8th July 2006)

Lee and Makis – We have had some wonderful meals with you and have been enchanted by Phoebe! Enjoyed Horta in particular and the Arni!! Thanks everso!
Valerie and David – Bishops Stortford, Herts

Oh, Yes!! Fantastic! What else is there to say?
Brian and Mum, England (8th July 06)

Supurb food. Excellent service all your hard work will pay off. Thank you. “Top Nosh”
Rosie and Colin, Battersea, London (08/07/06)

Thank you for the nice dinners!
We loved it!

Very good food, friendly people (especially the little girl). We love your chicken soup. Wish you the best for the future. Keep smiling you’re the best.
Lots of love
Frank and Wendy from Holland
Thank you – dank je wel (dutch) afgaristo poli (or something)

Had probably the best meal I have ever had – the lobster. Trouble is, won’t taste the same back home. Loved coming here, thank you very much for the gorgeous food and the ambience. You have a marvelous restaurant Phoebe, just try to keep your parents in line.
Andrew, Jacqui, Francesca (18/07/06)

The food and service is so good we’ve eaten here four times in a week – breakfast, lunch and dinner have all been very good. Thank you very much.
Becky and Mark, Bath, England

Το καλός φαγυτά και η καλή σας εξυπηρέτηση είναι οτι το καλύτερο που ειδα. Και μου άρεσε πάρα πολύ. Σας ευχόμαστε καλές δουλειές και ελπίζω να σας ξαναδώ του χρόνου. Thank you.
Ελένη Βαγγέλης (19/07/06)
From Chicago

Blimey! (or ‘Herranpieksut’,as we’d say in Finland)
We’ve enjoyed our 7 days in Lefkada exploring this lush and beautiful island and of the dearest and certainly THE most delicious experience has been dining at Ivari.
Founding members of your fan club in Helsinki, Finland
Sam and Nora (ps best regards to the charming Pirate Princess Phoebe) (24/07/06)

The food here is GREAT! Fresh, well-cooked and very tasty. Lovely people too! Try it – it’s fab!
Sara (04/08/06)

We’ve loved coming to Ivari for the food, company, chat and playing with Phoebe. I hope we will return to Lefkada one year and if time and money permits both ways, we’ll be trying your cooking school.
Keep in touch

Το καλό σας φαγητό, η καλή σας καρδιά και η εξυπηρέτηση θα μας μείνουν αξέχαστη.
Σας ευχόμαστε καλές δουλειές και ελπίζουμε να σας ξαναδούμε.
Σάκης + Κωνσταντίνα (26/08/06)

Really enjoyed my holidays here in Lefkada and also the VERY GOOD KITCHEN!
Wish you the best for the future.
Annie Rypstree, Nederland (01/09/06)

The quality of good beyond that expected in Nidri. Market to the boats, they will enjoy the value, hospitality and the little maid, Phoebe!
See you next year, please!
Nick and Wanda – Amazona, Derek – Agathos) (16/09/06)

Wonderful food, we shall miss you, – come and set up in Stourbridge! Hope to see you again.
Eric and Mor Harper (24/09/06)

Food, cooked with love – we could taste it!!! That’s why we came here 3 times in 1 week! And the banoffee pie was really super! We wish you all the best in Lefkada, until we meet again,
Mabel & Wytze, Nederland (6 October 2006)

An oasis for weary sailors – and the best place to start and finish your sailing experience! Your pleasant location, friendly service and excellent food should assure you of a great future. We wish you all the best.
Ken and Sonya Leana, Wells, Somerset, UK (October 15, 2006)

We visited your restaurant last September when we were on holiday in Nidri where we had a really great meal. We are returning again in September this year and will definitely be visiting you again.
Robert Eaves (April 2007)

The view is as stunning as the food.
Jesse and Ben (13/4/07)

Merci pour ce repas Grec original avec un dessert un peut Français (chaud et froid) Nous reviendrons.
Claudine et Bernard (15/04/07)

A very warm welcome and great food. We will certainly be back.
Lee +Joan
Wessex Yacht Sales (19/04/07)

Our neighbours made us attent of the Ivari restaurant.
That was a very good choise. Wonderful food, a very great friendly service by the two of you. Trust in people.
Andrea & Kees The Netherlands (21/04-28/04-2007)

We hebben hier heerlyk en gezellig gegeteen. En aardige gastvrye mensen.
Groetjes Rob en Esther uit Arnhem (25/04/07)

Vandaag voor de ze + hier gegeten, heerlyk enzeher niet duur. Morgen nog i + dan zit ons weelige er weer op!
Sandra en Kich (3 mei 07)

Heerlyk eten en een prachtig uitzicht. We kunnen het iedereen aanraden.
Willen en Marieke, Amsterdam
"ann mcguinness" Add to Address Book
Mon, 25 Jun 2007 19:34:31 +0000
Arrived home in england manchester 24/06/2007 we are now mssing the food and the staff and phoebe at the ivari restaurant the food was the best we have ever had in all greece places. Once again thankyou so much for everything simply the best.

We would recommend this restaurant to friends that may come to Nidri in the future as the food is beautiful (and hot). We would definitely visit again. Very classy!! Good luck and Thank you!
Sylvia and Andy, North Wales, 19.5.07

First discovered you when we saw a sign for Lefkada lentils last year. We have so appreciated the fresh, imaginative food and personal service. Thanks warmly, Good luck to all the team for the future.
Jane and Ian, 20/5/07

Thank you so much for a wonderful meal once more. We came for breakfast last year and have now been twice this time. What beautiful food (the best we have had on Lefkas) and what a charming little girl (Phoebe). We wish you every success in your business and look forward to coming here again.
Ruth, Dave, Norma and David, Lancashire, England 24.05.07

Here we are once again, the food is delicious, although the portions are too big for us to do them justice. We shall return.
Jean, Alex, Ruth and Mike , 24.5.07

Wy hebben genoten van het heerlyke eten vriendlyke bedienung en van zoveel keuze in menu’s.
Jan en Elly Bruseker, Holland, 1-06-07

Thank you so much for the lovely meals, excellent service and friendliness. We were spoilt for choice by the varied and interesting menu, every meal was excellent. Good luck for the rest of the summer.
Lori and Tony Smith, London, 1.6.07

Can’t fault anything at all – excellent food, excellent service and excellent value.
Heather Woodward, Barndiswick, Lancashire, 1.6.07

Absolutely superb! Gordon Ramsay eat your heart out!!! Many thanks.
Mimi Wainwright, Stockport, Chesire, 1-6-07

Thank you so much for a great meal. The best yet, hope so much to return soon. Many many thanks.
With love and best wishes from Hereford xxx

You are a great couple, and it is always a pleasure to dine at Ivari. The food is always great, and Phoebe is a godsend. All the best,
P McMahon

Thanks so much for doing our holiday cooking. Phoebe has been an absolute delight being with. Lee it’s been a pleasure meeting you, look forward to coming back soon.
Mary and Keith,

Tack for god mat och valdigt trevligt bemotrande. Vi har varit har tva ganger reclan och det blir sakert fier, fantastiskt god mat! Vi kommer att rekomendera er till hela sverige. Varma halsningar.
Fia and Igor the tall ones, Orebro, Sweden,

Das Essen hier ist ausgezeichnet, mindestens eine H??? wurden wir vergeben – oder auch zwei! Darum kommen wir morgen wieder wir zwei!
Eva und Heidi

Thank you for the enjoyable food and service. We would recommend this restaurant to all who come to Lefkas for their holiday.
Ali and Bill Richardson

Thank you for your excellent food and service. We would certainly recommend this restaurant as one of the best in Nidri. If not the best!! Thanks again.
Sarah and Hugh, from Hertfordshire, England, 22/06/07

Just to say thanks. ‘Thanks!’ seems inadequate – ‘simply the best’. Cheerio for now to all the staff. Sincerely
Ann and Trevor, Manchester, 23/06/07

Wonderful food – and such lovely company – pity 3 ladies ended up feeling so broody after spending time with Phoebe.
Jan and Duncan, Mel and Pauline, Dawn and Andy, Shropshire, England, 23/06/07

Food and coffee absolutely paradise – excellent cooking skills. Service also top of the class.
Mike, 25/6/07

Voor de zuveelste heir sitten we hier te eten. En taverne waar je geluklig niet naar binnen getrokken wordt, maar rustig op de menu haart kann kyken. De eignaar / ?? krygt het voor elaar am de lekkerste smaken by elleaar te voegen. Geen griekse taverne zoals doorsnee, maar een absolute aanrader! Jeder gerecht is een feest op sich! Lieve bedienung!
Ron en Sonja, Dordrecht

Enjoyed every meal we have had here. Breakfast best in Nidri. Evening meal wonderful. Roast beef and Yorkshire pud excellent. Thank you all.
Dave and Rita, 30/06/07

Excellent food – prepared with feeling and served with care. You won’t get better in Nidri.
David and Caroline, Ringwood, Hampshire, 30/06/07

Excellent food! Excellent hosts! First class! My recommendation for absolutely anyone who visits Nidri!
Chris and Christine Bell, Derbyshire, UK

Εξαιρετικό φαγητό, ευγένεια και γλυκήτητα. Να συνεχίσετε έτσι!!
Νεκταρία Βαρβαρέσου, 22/07/07

Ευχαριστούμε πολύ, για τις ξεχωριστές γεύσεις που μας προσφέρατε. Καλό καλοκαίρι και καλό χειμόνα …
Γιώργος και Δώρα, 10/08/07

Πολύ νόστιμο και ξεχωριστές γεύσεις (όσες προλάβαμε να δοκιμάσουμε) και έπεται η συνέχεια … !!!
Κώστας και Νάντια, 11/08/07

Γευστικότατη η κουζίνα, εντυπωσιακή η Φοίβη!
Κωνσταντίνα Πουρνάρα, 20/08/07

We have enjoyed working our way through the menu. Wish we could take this restaurant home with us. Don’t bother going anywhere else. Everything is absolutely delicious here – Enjoy!
Jan and Jim merrie, Lancs, England, 25/08/07
PS Waiting staff are also patient, friendly, helpful – just as you would wish.

We have been to Nidri 6 times in the last few years and this is by far the best meal we’ve had. It’s great to see something a bit different on the menu. The Lamb Ambrosia is sublime. We look forward to seeing you again next time. Best wishes,
Simon and Victoria Lister, 14/09/07

Best breakfast in Nidri. Thanks for the friendly and welcoming service every morning. Especially the champagne! Highly recommended. See you next year.
Jon and Nikki

We have tasted the rest now we only eat @ the BEST!! IVARI Many thanks to Jen for the excellent service, to Phoebe for entertainment xxx The Chef of course for excellent food and choice!! Thanks to Lee as captain @ the helm!!
Val and Malcolm, Rhyl, North Wales, 21/08/07

Ivar serve the best kleftiko in Nidri, plus the rest of the food. I would recommend them and the service to everyone. Keep this up. We will come again. Thank you very much.
Roy and Brenda, from the West Riding of Yorkshire, UK, 30/09/07

Great food, good service. What more? Many thanks.
Cynthia Brown, 14/10/07

To have found a restaurant as good as this is an added bonus to our holiday. Most cordial and welcoming hosts. PS See you next year.
Harry and Jean Moor, 26th October 2007Hello Lee and Makis, We only found your restaurant in the 2nd week of our holiday in May thisYear, but we wish we had found it sooner. We started to work our waythrough your Menu, and thoroughly enjoyed everything we chose. Weparticularlyenjoyed sharing an Ivari salad for starters. Would you mind sharing theingredients for the dressing with me?We left the details of your restaurant in the Villa, so hopefully morecustomers will be heading your way, and we will be back next Yearourselves. Good luck for the rest of the Season.Regards,Christine GrahamSun, 8 Jun 2008 10:47:59 +0100


Our freshly-made salads

Ivari 6.70 euros
lettuce, smoked salmon, avocado, grape fruit,
citrus fruits dressing with poppy seeds
Chef salad 5.25 euros
lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, cheese,
boiled egg, ham, thousand islands dressing
Tuna salad 5.00 euros
fresh tomato, lettuce, olives, tuna,mayonaise
Greek salad 5.00 euros
tomatoes, cucumber, green peppers,
onions, olives, feta cheese, olive oil, oregano
Funghi 5.55 euros
lettuce, rocket, mushrooms, bacon, croutons,
hot vinaigrette, parmesan shavings
Spring greens 3.10 euros

Our home-made soup

Chicken soup 3.50 euros
with pieces of fresh chicken, celery, thyme,
bay leaves, onion and lemon

Children’s special

Chicken nuggets 5.10 euros
made with fresh chicken, served with home-made chips

· Your waiter will bring one portion of bread, butter and olive paste to your table per person (at a charge of 1 euro per person). Please inform your waiter if you do not wish to have this service.

Our delicious appetizers

Selection of appetizers for two 5.60 euros
tzatziki, taramosalata, aubergine dip, cheese bites, local Lefkada sausage, meat ball, courgette rissoles, baked potato
Creamy mushrooms 5.15 euros
fresh button mushrooms in wine and garlic in a creamy sauce
Rosti potatoes 4.90 euros
potato pieces baked with bacon, cheese and cream
Courgette rissoles 4.50 euros
courgettes, feta cheese, mint, egg, herbs
Tomato rissoles 5.00 euros
fried rissoles made from fresh chopped tomatoes with herbs
Tzatziki 3.25 euros
strained Greek yoghurt, cucumber, dill, garlic, pure virgin olive oil
Cretan dakos 4.25 euros
barley rusks with grated fresh tomato, feta cheese, olive oil and oregano
Saganaki fried cheese 4.80 euros
spicy Greek cheese fried and flambéd with brandy
Courgettes, aubergines and garlic potatoes 5.10 euros
deep-fried slices of courgette and aubergine with garlic mashed potatoes
Spicy grilled feta 4.20 euros
grilled feta cheese with tomato, boukovo, peppers, spices, oil and oregano
Haloumi cheese 4.50 euros
grilled haloumi cheese from Cyprus stuffed with crispy bacon,
on a base of fresh tomato with pesto sauce
Aubergine bake 4.90 euros
slices of aubergine with a tomato sauce, bacon and melted cheese topping
Aubergine dip 4.85 euros
home-made aubergine dip with aubergines, peppers and spring onions


Seafood appetizers

Taramosalata 4.00 euros
home-made dip of pink fish roe, onion, lemon and breadcrumbs
Mediterranean prawns (appetizer) 7.60 euros
three prawns (frz) in a spicy tomato sauce with garlic,
chilly pepper, ouzo and crumbled feta
Steamed mussels 4.95 euros
steamed mussels (frz) with wine, spring onions, dill and lemon
Octopus salad 6.50 euros
octopus (frz) cooked in its own juice with wine vinegar, peppers and olive oil
Fried fillet of sole 6.40 euros
fillet of sole (frz) fried in olive oil, served with chips,
salad and home-made mayonnaise
Cod with pureed garlic potatoes(skordalia) 6.95 euros
(From the chef’s home island of Kefalonia)
made from salted cod fish on the bone, served with beetroot and Kefalonian purred garlic potatoes with lemon
Grilled swordfish 7.20 euros
grilled swordfish steak (frz with bone)
Swordfish souvlaki 7.25 euros
chunks of swordfish steak (frz) on a skewer with onion and peppers, grilled
Swordfish with ouzo 7.50 euros
swordfish steak (frz) in a sauce with fennel, lemon, ouzo, capers and cream

Fried squid 5.50 euros
fried squid rings


Prawns with bacon 8.25 euros
four prawns (no. 4 frz) wrapped with bacon and grilled
Grilled octopus 6.55 euros
grilled octopus (frz) with olive oil, lemon and oregano
Grilled salmon 8.25
fillet of salmon on the grill
Salmon in wine and lemon sauce 8.40 euros
fillet of salmon in a wine and lemon sauce with spring onions, dill and capers
Grilled Sea Bream 7.80 euros
fresh sea bream on the grill, served with spring greens
Frutti di Mare 8.35 euros
spaghetti with four mussels, two prawns, squid
and octopus in a spicy, tomato sauce
Tagliatelle with smoked salmon 7.55 euros
smoked salmon, dill, wine and cream sauce with cheese,
salted salmon roe and fresh rocket leaves
Fresh fried white bait 5.00 euros
freshly-fished white bait fried in olive oil,
served with spring greens and garlic mashed potatoes
Sardines 5.00 euros
fresh grilled sardines, served with spring greens and garlic mashed potatoes

Traditional Greek and local dishes

Lamb Ambrosia – the food of the Gods! 8.85 euros
(from an ancient Greek recipe)
stuffed lamb (fr.) with prunes, apricots, cheese and mint in a fruity gravy
Lamb kleftiko 8.30 euros
leg of lamb (fr.) with potato, carrots, peppers, onions and spicy local cheese in a lemon and mustard sauce, served in individually wrapped portions
Moussaka 6.00 euros
potatoes, aubergines, tomato sauce and beef mince with morné sauce
Penelope’s dream 7.80 euros
lamb chops, (frz) with rosemary and a tangy Robola wine
and lemon sauce, served on a baked potato
Roast chicken 6.00 euros
traditional Greek roast chicken with garlic and lemon, served with roast potatoes
Ionian chicken 7.80 euros
chicken breast with sun-dried tomatoes, feta, fennel,
basil pesto in a delicious tomato sauce
Beef stifado 8.10 euros
traditional Greek recipe made with beef from our local butcher,
with shallots and a spicy, dark gravy
Linos Lamb 8.85 euros
Lamb stuffed with sundried tomatoes, peppers, feta cheese, mint, in a gravy of caramelized grapes with must

‘Giant’ beans 5.00 euros
butter beans in a delicious tomato sauce with herbs

Lefkada has a long tradition of ‘Mediterranean cuisine’ with a famous cook of ancient times, Filoxenos, starting his ‘career’ here in Lefkada.

Traditional Greek and local dishes

Stuffed tomatoes and peppers 5.10 euros
filled with rice, herbs, raisins, pine nuts and feta cheese
Nona’s meatballs 5.00 euros
little meat balls of beef mince in a spicy sauce with cumin

Every Saturday and Sunday

Kefalonian meat pie 8.50 euros
crispy home-made pastry made with wine and with
a moist filling of pork and beef, cheese and rice, from the
chef’s home island of Kefalonia, this recipe is his grandmother’s!
Zorba 7.00 euros
slices of pork, stuffed with cheese, Lefkada salami
and coloured peppers in a spicy sauce
Roast beef 7.50 euros
local roast beef with gravy, served with oven roast potatoes

The local wine-making co-operative which is one of the oldest in the country produces white and red wine, while over the last few years smaller wine-growers have begun producing a variety of high-quality Lefkadian wines. Particularly popular with our customers is ‘Syflogo’ which is produced in small quantities by a local grower, as well as ‘Land of Lefkas’, whose wine museum and showroom you can visit here on the island.

Gourmet world cuisine

Liver and bacon with onions 6.20 euros
beef liver in a rich gravy with onions and bacon
Pirates of the Caribbean 7.55 euros
breast of chicken in a sauce made of Captain Morgan’s black rum and ginger
Wild Forest 8.50 euros
pork fillets in a wine and mushroom sauce
Roast pork in mustard sauce 7.00 euros
tender loin (filet) of pork in a mustard sauce

Fillet Steaks
(fresh locally-produced beef fillet steak weighing 200 g per portion)


Scaloppini Marsala 10.20 euros
beef scaloppini with button and porccini mushrooms
in a sauce made from genuine Marsala wine
Fillet Steak with three peppers 14.00 euros
fillet steak with a coating of three kind of
peppercorns (red, green and black) in a rich gravy
Fillet Steak A la crème 14.00 euros
fillet steak in a sauce of wine and fresh button mushrooms
Stroganoff 10.80 euros
sauteed fillet steak tips in a wine sauce with mushrooms,
spring onions and coloured peppers
Fillet Steak A la Diabola 15.00 euros
fillet steak in a vodka and cream sauce with peppers and two prawns

Grilled meats

Chicken souvlaki 6.00 euros
tender pieces of chicken breast (200 g per portion), served with chips and salad

Grilled chicken breast 6.00 euros
fresh chicken breast (200 g per portion), served with chips and salad

Grilled liver 5.00 euros
fresh grilled liver, served with chips, tzatziki and salad

Lamb chops 6.80 euros
five lamb chops (frz)

Grilled fillet steak 13.00 euros
fresh fillet steak (tenderloin) on the grill

Pork tenderloin 7.80 euros
pork tenderloin (200g per portion) marinated in mustard and thyme

Mixed grill for two 14.00 euros
two home-made beefburgers, chicken, liver, sausage, two lamb chops, served with baked potato, tzatziki and mustard


Hawaiian 6.50 euros
pineapple, ham, tomato, cheese
Parma 6.00 euros
ham, tomato sauce, cheese
Special 6.80 euros
ham, bacon, mushrooms, peppers, cheese, tomato sauce

(we use Barilla pasta for all these dishes)

Napoli 4.00 euros
tomato sauce with fresh basil
Bolognaise 5.50 euros
(oven-baked bolognaise also available)
fresh beef mince in tomato sauce with spices
Carbonara 5.50 euros
(oven-baked carbonara also available)
bacon, egg, garlic, parsley, in a cream and wine sauce with cheese
Tagliatelle renaissance 5.30 euros
tagliatelle with freshly diced tomatoes, mushrooms,
courgettes, peppers, spring onions and basil pesto
Oven-baked pasta 5.85 euros
tomato sauce, bacon, olives, capers, garlic
and cheese, baked in the oven
Frutti di Mare 8.30 euros
spaghetti with four mussels, two prawns, squid
and octopus in a spicy, tomato sauce
Tagliatelle with smoked salmon 7.50 euros
smoked salmon, dill, wine and cream sauce with cheese,
salted salmon roe and fresh rocket leaves

Our home-made desserts

Crème brullée with Aegina pistachios 3.00 euros
a delicious combination of cool crème with a hot, crispy caramel topping,
a traditional French recipe with a hint of Greece

Apple pie 3.00 euros
crispy pastry, caramelized apples with cinnamon, cloves and brandy

Chocolate brownies 3.20 euros
the all-American recipe made with dark chocolate,
chopped walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts
(Also served with ice cream – 1.00 euro per scoop)
Ice cream 1.00 euro per scoop

Soft drinks

Coca cola 1.85 euros
Coca cola lite 1.85 euros
Lemon fanta 1.85 euros
Orange fanta 1.85 euros
Sprite 1.85 euros
Soda 1.30 euros
Juice 2.00 euros
Fresh orange juice 2.50 euros
Still water (1 lt) 1.00 euros
Filter coffee 1.50 euros
Cappuccino 2.00 euros
Espresso 1.50 euros
Greek coffee 1.00 euros
PG Tips tea 1.50 euros

Alcoholic drinks

Amstel 2.20 euros
Mythos 2.20 euros
House white (½ lt) 2.50 euros
House red (½ lt) 2.50 euros
Retsina (½ lt) 3.50 euros
Spirits 5.00 euros

White wines
Syflogo 12.00 euros
a delicious dry white wine grown and produced here on the
slopes of the island mountains
Land of Lefkas 12.00
a dry white wine with very fine features in flavour and taste produced by the
co-operative of Robola producers in neighbouring Kefalonia
Vertzamo 12.00
a dry white wine with very fine features in flavour and taste produced by the
co-operative of Robola producers in neighbouring Kefalonia
Robola 12.00
a dry white wine with very fine features in flavour and taste produced by the
co-operative of Robola producers in neighbouring Kefalonia
Asyrtiko 6.00
a dry white wine made from one of the best-known Greek grape varieties (asyrtiko),
a fruity flavour with a hint of lemon and orange

Rosé wines
Syflogo 10.00 euros
a dry rosé wine produced and bottled here on the island
in the village of Platistoma near Nidri
Land of Lefkas 10.00
a dry white wine with very fine features in flavour and taste produced by the
co-operative of Robola producers in neighbouring Kefalonia
Vertzamo 10.00
a dry white wine with very fine features in flavour and taste produced by the
co-operative of Robola producers in neighbouring Kefalonia

Red wines

Cabernet Sauvignon Syrah 6.00 euros
a full-bodied red wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah grapes
– a rich a velvety texture with a hint of strawberry and blackberry
Kritikos 5.00 euros
from Crete, this dark red wine is produced from two
traditional Greek grape varieties – Kotsifali and Mandilaria
Agioritiko (Nemea) 5.00 euros
from the Agioritiko grape variety, grown in Nemea in the Peloponnese, known as ‘the blood of Hercules’ because of its deep red colour
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 6.00 euros
a full-bodied red wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah grapes
– a rich a velvety texture with a hint of strawberry and blackberry

Dear Visitor to Lefkada,

Thank you for coming to Ivari Restaurant. Your opinion of our food and of our service (the negative as well as the positive points!) will be of great help to us in making every possible improvement.
Please visit our blog:
or our e-mail address
Because we consider it of the utmost importance that all our food is freshly-cooked every day, we prepare a small number of portions of each dish daily. If, towards the end of the evening, you find that some of those dishes are no longer available, you will still be able to choose from a wide range of ‘a la minute’ dishes.
· All prices include 9% VAT on food and non-alcoholic drinks, and 19% on alcoholic drinks.
· Your waiter will bring one portion of bread, butter and olive paste to your table per person (at a charge of 1 euro per person). Please inform your waiter if you do not wish to have this service.
· The service charge is included, as well as 0.5% council tax.
· Frozen products (meat or fish) are marked ‘frz.’.
· We use pure extra virgin olive oil (from Kranidi in Argolida) in all our salads and tzatziki.
· We use olive oil in our cooked dishes and for all fried fish.
· We use seed-oil (at a temperature of 180°) in the deep fat fryer. This oil is changed frequently, depending on use.
· The feta cheese used in our cooking and salads is P.D.O (Protected Designation Origin) from Tripolis Peloponesse.
· The yoghurt used in our tzatziki and other dishes, is genuine Greek, strained yoghurt.

The Chef at Ivari
Gerasimos Katsaitis grew up in the kitchen of his family’s restaurant. After a career of some years as a hotel receptionist, his true vocation, that of chef, claimed him. Having done his training (Greek School of Tourist Education diploma) he continues his culinary education through seminars, books and the Internet. However, he doesn’t stop at the theory. He is primarily a kitchen craftsman; a lover of the aromas and sounds which are born at the moment of serving – that unique instant when artistic inspiration and theoretical knowledge are turned into food. And for that reason, for the last seventeen years, he has been working in hotels and restaurants both in and outside Athens, alongside famous as well as lesser-known chefs and cooks, who have all contributed to his development.